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Does The Scionics Institute have aby facilities where they do any type of research or development?

This applies to scientific studies as well as philosophical.

Scionics Institute
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Posts: 20

We don’t carry on any sort of scientific experiments, unless you would consider things like meditation to be scientific experiments – and no special facilities are required for meditation, of course.

Our primary activities currently consist of integrating a huge amount of philosophical, scientific, psychological, and other information, and using that to create Scionics Philosophy. This is no small task, but also does not require special facilities.

In terms of our plans to create future facilities, please see this post.

Only Onus reacted
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Thank you for responding.

And as mentioned, let me know if their is anything I may be of help with.

Scionics Institute
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Thanks! I’d also like to add that there is the practical matter of where certain members live, who would be entrusted to administer such a Scio-Community. It would obviously be more feasible if these individuals were not required to relocate in order to fulfill this function.

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That would be helpful, and is one of the reasons I mentioned the area.

Also it seems like the Northeast is getting more and more snow and other bad weather conditions.

A retreat (to me) should have gardens and walking trails.

Swimming area (if the location has a lake you know we could purify the water fairly easyly)

and an outdoor cerimonial spot would be nice.

Wood, stone, slate and other building materals are in abundance.

The location is fairly centeralized with many major cities.

Including Nashville, Louisville, Knoxville and Cincinati that can be driven to within two to three hours.

With St Louis, Indianapolis and Chicago a short flight away. Or less than a full days drive.

Just letting you know.


Scionics Institute
Eminent Member Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 20

Thanks! We ultimately hope to establish many locations, and of course the actual locations will be determined, in large part, by where members are actually located geographically. If it turns out that many future members live there, then that would be a great reason to establish one there.

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