The Protocols of Scionics
The Protocols of Scionics – The Grand Universal Philosophy Revision 0.4.1 Copyright © 1988-2020 The Scionics Institute. The Scionics Institute may be contacted at: WARNING This book will probably not help you at all, although it contains the foundation of the most liberating, empowering, and wide-scope system of thought ever developed. It maintains an unshakable commitment to reason and reality in every word, delivering incredible values across the vast field of human knowledge and activity, yet most people will reject its teachings. Why would anyone reject such powerful knowledge? It is because most human beings who have ever lived have been conditioned into loyalty to some form of mysticism, which exists in essentially infinite varieties. The degree to which mysticism is embraced is the degree to which reason and reality are rejected. If you, like so many others, are an eager victim of the very reality-denying irrational delusions, superstitions, and mysticisms which drain so much human potential and happiness from both yourself and others, then this book is not for you. You are a mystic, and while we would like to disencumber you of your pernicious mysticism, we know we can't. Only you could – but mystics, sadly, love their mysticisms. DEDICATION This book is dedicated, not to many, but to the very rare few; not to the unworthy, but to the precious; not to the common, but to the extraordinary. It is dedicated to the very rare few who are able to recognize and resist mysticism in all of its harmful and even deadly forms. It is dedicated to the precious few who stand strong and often alone, against a mad mob vainly struggling to negate reality through irrational mystical bellowing. It is dedicated to the extraordinary few with the courage to walk in the light of reason and reality, despite the ignorant cries of protest and derision from the masses who love the darkness, and would have you walk in darkness too. If this describes you, you are not alone. You are already one of us, one of the rare, precious, and extraordinary few, although you may not yet be aware of it. If you are, this book is dedicated to you, a golden bearer of light. Welcome home. |
1:1 SCIONICS: Science Versus Mysticism
Philosophy as Concept-Formation
The Three Metaphysical Axioms:
One Reality, Many Possible Realms
Physically Inaccessible Realms
Computationally Separate Realms
The Significance of Existence within the Various Realms
Metaphysical and Philosophical Naturalism
Modes of Conscious Integration
Objectivity, Science and Self-Honesty
Empiricism, Rationalism and Empiricorationalism
Biological Survival and The Hedonic Response
Free Will, Determinism, and Punishment
Value Standards and Conscience
The Guiltless Empiricorational Pursuit of Maximum Hedonic Value
Social Rights and Duties: The Non-aggression Principle
Hedonism, Stoicism, and Buddhism
Ethics: The Proper Foundation of Politics
Scionism: Empiricorational Libertarian Minarchism
“That Government Is Best Which Governs Least”
Absolutely Minimal Government – Non-Coercion
The Preparation of Individuals – Internalization of Non-Coercion
Government is an Expedient – Establishment of Non-Coercion
Scionism Establishes Rule by Philosophy
Social Consensus: Voting and Representation
Legislation: The Minarchist Council and the Philosophical Court
Law Enforcement: The Peace Force and Justice Courts
Part 1: A Brief History of Money
Part 2: The Current Hijacking of Money
Part 3: The Scionistic Future of Money
Intellectual Property, Licensing, and Certifications
Reproduction, Abortion, and Children
The Establishment of Scionistic Communities
Cryonics and the Incalculable Preciousness of Life
Sense of Life and Value-Reflection
The Evolutionary Origins of Human Music
Selectivity and Empiricorationalism in Music
Matheism Versus Theism or Atheism
Quantization, Locality, Non-locality, Relativity and Causality
Cosmology – The Eternal Cyclic Expansion Theory
© 1988-2025 The Scionics Institute
© 2012-2025 The Church of Scio-Buddhism