Scionics Delivers Knowledge and Fulfillment
Epistemology is the study of the acquisition of knowledge, concepts and beliefs. The more accurate one’s knowledge and beliefs are, the more effective will one be in the pursuit of one’s goals.
Mysticism is a flawed epistemological approach which entails attempts to acquire or evaluate knowledge and beliefs in ways which are contrary to logic and reality, and the concomitant belief in the unreal or irrational. It thrives on dishonesty, self-deception, and mental laziness. This leads to decreased effectiveness in life, and therefore to decreased happiness and fulfillment.
Empiricorationalism is the most powerful epistemological approach ever discovered by human beings. It extracts knowledge and understanding by integrating actual observations of reality (empiricism) with valid logical reasoning (rationalism). It thrives on honest, disciplined mental effort, and results in an ever-expanding body of knowledge and beliefs which are ever-increasingly in correspondence with reason and reality. This leads to greater effectiveness in life, and therefore to increased happiness and fulfillment.
Scionics involves the ever-widening application of empiricorationalism to all facets of life and existence. It fully embraces reason and reality, while completely rejecting all forms of mysticism, superstition, wishful and magical thinking, uncritically accepted faith, and the like. Scionics employs scientific and business-like effort to extract maximum understanding and value from every situation, with the ultimate goal of propelling humanity to a triumphant and glorious existence where even pain and death have been defeated.
Individual human beings who are committed to living in accordance with reality and reason, i.e., empiricorationally, gain an extraordinary amount of personal understanding and power. When individual human beings join together in cooperation and community, for the purpose of collectively living in accordance with reason and reality, their collective understanding and power can be magnified far beyond that of each working alone.
The Scio-Society was created as an online community for debating, investigating, and furthering the empiricorational development of Scionics Philosophy. All we ask is that members embrace rationality, reason, and the non-aggression principle. This principle asserts that no individual or group of individuals may ethically initiate fraud, force or coercion against another. It may be colloquially expressed as “Live and let live.”
The fastest and most efficient means for building a society in which peace and empiricorationalism reign supreme is to seek out others who are already oriented towards reason, reality, and non-aggression. If you are one of these rare people, we’d love to have you join us!
Available within this website are reality-based, non-mystical protocols for achieving:
Profound Freedom
Peace • Love • Happiness
Prosperity • Pleasure • Health
Romance • Fulfillment • Immortality
The Ultimate Foundation and Cause of Existence
- It shares the theistic recognition that the traditional non-anthropomorphic qualities of “god” are necessary qualities for whatever the foundation and cause of reality may be
- It shares the atheistic rejection of the traditional anthropomorphic qualities of “god” as mystical nonsense, as well as the recognition that existence must be explained in empiricorational, scientific terms.
Matheism also introduces a number of unique concepts which are not held by either theism or atheism:
- It firmly establishes that the eternal, infinite and omnipresent truths of mathematics are ontologically necessary, i.e., they cannot not exist, and that they serve as the ultimate foundation and cause of all reality.
- It recognizes the important distinction between raw consciousness and organized mind.
- Due to the characteristics of consciousness, including its apparent absolute irreducibility, matheism posits mathematical psychogeneis: the hypothesis that the mathematical nature of consciousness is such that it spontaneously arises anywhere that the truths of mathematics are true, i.e., everywhere.
- This creates a plenum of cosmic consciousness, or psychonic plenum, which acts in accordance with its own hedonic and mathematical nature. (Its hedonic nature arises from the fact that a fundamental aspect of consciousness is to react to that which it is conscious of; the psychonic plenum is only aware of, and reacting to, itself.)
- The mathematical and hedonic nature of the psychonic plenum causes it to spontaneously individuate into the eternal, infinite network of psychons, which manifest as the Planck units which serve as the matrix from which space, time, matter, energy, and all physical phenomena emerge.
- The psychonic plenum is comprised of raw, unorganized consciousness, whereas minds are a form of organized consciousness. Not being organized into a mind, it cannot form goals or make plans. Prayers or worship directed to it have no effect, just as prayers or worship directed to the laws of physics itself have no effect.
- The psychonic plenum is neither supernatural, nor mystical, nor pseudo-scientific woo; it is a hypothesis which integrates and explains some of the deepest and heretofore intractable scientific and philosophical issues. – it is the very matrix from which the entire natural world arises, and actually is existence itself, and all that it contains. You and everything you will ever experience is ultimately grounded in, and ultimately are, this cosmic consciousness.
The Protocols of Scionics – The Grand Universal Philosophy Revision 0.4.1 Copyright © 1988-2020 The Scionics Institute. The Scionics Institute may be contacted at: WARNING This book will probably not help you at all, although it contains the foundation of the most liberating, empowering, and wide-scope system of thought ever developed. It maintains an unshakable commitment to reason and reality in every word, delivering incredible values across the vast field of human knowledge and activity, yet most people will reject its teachings. Why would anyone reject such powerful knowledge? It is because most human beings who have ever lived have been conditioned into loyalty to some form of mysticism, which exists in essentially infinite varieties. The degree to which mysticism is embraced is the degree to which reason and reality are rejected. If you, like so many others, are an eager victim of the very reality-denying irrational delusions, superstitions, and mysticisms which drain so much human potential and happiness from both yourself and others, then this book is not for you. You are a mystic, and while we would like to disencumber you of your pernicious mysticism, we know we can't. Only you could – but mystics, sadly, love their mysticisms. DEDICATION This book is dedicated, not to many, but to the very rare few; not to the unworthy, but to the precious; not to the common, but to the extraordinary. It is dedicated to the very rare few who are able to recognize and resist mysticism in all of its harmful and even deadly forms. It is dedicated to the precious few who stand strong and often alone, against a mad mob vainly struggling to negate reality through irrational mystical bellowing. It is dedicated to the extraordinary few with the courage to walk in the light of reason and reality, despite the ignorant cries of protest and derision from the masses who love the darkness, and would have you walk in darkness too. If this describes you, you are not alone. You are already one of us, one of the rare, precious, and extraordinary few, although you may not yet be aware of it. If you are, this book is dedicated to you, a golden bearer of light. Welcome home. Part One:PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION 1:1 SCIONICS: Science Versus Mysticism Philosophy as Concept-Formation The Three Metaphysical Axioms: One Reality, Many Possible Realms Physically Inaccessible Realms Computationally Separate Realms The Significance of Existence within the Various Realms Metaphysical and Philosophical Naturalism Modes of Conscious Integration Objectivity, Science and Self-Honesty Empiricism, Rationalism and Empiricorationalism Biological Survival and The Hedonic Response Free Will, Determinism, and Punishment Value Standards and Conscience The Guiltless Empiricorational Pursuit of Maximum Hedonic Value Social Rights and Duties: The Non-aggression Principle Hedonism, Stoicism, and Buddhism Ethics: The Proper Foundation of Politics Scionism: Empiricorational Libertarian Minarchism “That Government Is Best Which Governs Least” Absolutely Minimal Government – Non-Coercion The Preparation of Individuals – Internalization of Non-Coercion Government is an Expedient – Establishment of Non-Coercion Scionism Establishes Rule by Philosophy Social Consensus: Voting and Representation Legislation: The Minarchist Council and the Philosophical Court Law Enforcement: The Peace Force and Justice Courts Part 1: A Brief History of Money Part 2: The Current Hijacking of Money Part 3: The Scionistic Future of Money Intellectual Property, Licensing, and Certifications Reproduction, Abortion, and Children The Establishment of Scionistic Communities Cryonics and the Incalculable Preciousness of Life Sense of Life and Value-Reflection The Evolutionary Origins of Human Music Selectivity and Empiricorationalism in Music Matheism Versus Theism or Atheism Quantization, Locality, Non-locality, Relativity and Causality Cosmology – The Eternal Cyclic Expansion Theory
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotes in connection with a review or discussion of the concepts contained within.
© 1988-2025 The Scionics Institute
© 2012-2025 The Church of Scio-Buddhism