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Just because you can mathmaticly define deity we just have not reached that yet and just because we can’t grasp a reincarnation algorithm doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist I love all the science here and I am excited to help my understanding of how math correlates into buddhism

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I’m not sure what you’re saying.

Just because you can mathmaticly define deity we just have not reached that yet

I don’t think Scionics has mathematically defined deity. It’s more like it has shown that deity, as normally understood, does not exist, and is, in fact, an illogical and mystical concept. I think even that the existence of such a deity would be logically contradictory and impossible.

The whole “matheism” and “mathematical psychogenesis” thing, that pretty much explains that the “ultimate foundation and cause of reality” is mathematical truth, because mathematical truth is the one thing which literally HAS to exist. (Unlike any deity.) And the hypothesis that consciousness (because of the mathematical nature of consciousness) pretty much the only big important concept we have no real scientific handle on at all, spontaneously arises wherever mathematical truths are true…so creating an infinite, eternal, gapless field of consciousness, and it is the  activity of this field of consciousness (they call it the psychonic field) according to its own mathematical and “hedonic” (what “feels good” to it) nature  which gives rise to the laws of physics and the physical universe.

It sounds like “woo” when you first hear about it, but when you start to actually take it step by step it makes completely logical sense, and also solves a bunch of mysteries in philosophy and physics.

just because we can’t grasp a reincarnation algorithm doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

I don’t know what a “reincarnation algorithm” would be but I do know that my mind or my personhood is a product of the physical structure of my brain. I know that consciousness it somewhat different from mind…raw consciousness is unorganized, but mind has a larger organization of consciousness. The physical structure of the brain is what organizes consciousness into mind. Everything is basically “made of” consciousness, at a fundamental level, and each Planck unit is actually a small “node” of consciousness. The action of countless nodes functions as the substrate of the matter from which your brain is constructed. When that matter is organized and functioning in a certain way it makes your brain, and simultaneously your mind.

Anyway, once the physical structure of your brain does not exist, neither does your mind, or your personhood. There is no “you” to go on to an afterlife, or to be reincarnated.

I love all the science here and I am excited to help my understanding of how math correlates into buddhism

Well…welcome to the club! Me too! I would like to hear more of your ideas. It seems like you might be coming from a different place than actual Scionics, but debate and discussion helps make everyone’s ideas and beliefs stronger, if they have an open yet critical mind.

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David Grusch

Scionics Institute
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If UFOs and UAPs truly were of extraterrestrial origin, and as common as they are often purported to be, then the billions of people with video-capturing cellphones on the planet would pretty much have made this an incontrovertible fact, but that’s simply not the case at all. Just as witches were once a fairly common mysticism, with reports of flying witches being in fashion at the time, the same seems to be happening now with regard to UFOs/UAPs. The flying witches weren’t real then, and UFOs/UAPs don’t seem to be real now.

That being said, the concept of the Cosmic Scio-Civilization, presented below, does advance the possibility (and perhaps the near certainty) of extraterrestrial intelligence which would have “godlike” abilities from our perspective. The beings comprising this Cosmic Scio-Civilization, however, would not be supernatural, but instead would be completely natural, but with wisdom, technology, and scientific understanding advanced to their highest possible level.

The contents of the VERY long post which follows is excerpted from some of our writings. While the details and nomenclature may change as these writings are further developed and edited, this give the general idea. We are here if you need any clarifications, or have any other questions.


The Mathos is the infinite, eternal, and unchanging set of Mathematical and Logical Truths. The Mathos cannot not exist; it has an ontologically necessary metaphysical existence. This metaphysical existence is of a specifically mathematical/logical existence. The infinite and eternal truths of mathematics and logic which comprise the Mathos are true everywhere and everywhen, all throughout Existence.

The Mathos is of the Divine.


The Cosmos is the entirety of both material/physical existence (Physikos) and experiential/conscious existence (Psykos). The infinite and eternally unchanging Mathos is the ultimate metaphysical foundation of all things, including the infinite and eternally changing Cosmos, Physikos, and Psykos.

The Cosmos is of the Divine.

Psykos and Physikos

The Psykos is the subjective experiential aspect of Existence; it is the experience of Existence “from the inside.” The Physikos, on the other hand, is the objective physical aspect of Existence; it is the experience of Existence “from the outside.” The ultimate metaphysical foundation of both the Psykos and the Physikos is the Mathos, just as it is the metaphysical foundation of all Existence. Regardless of the metaphysical relationship between the Physikos and the Psykos (such as which, if either, is metaphysically prior to the other) the very existence of the Psykos and the Physikos as the subjective-objective ontological dichotomy of the Cosmos is of the Miraculous and Divine.

Scionics has posited that the mathematical nature of intangible but ever-changing consciousness is such that it spontaneously exists everywhere that the intangible and ever-unchanging Mathos exists; thus, like the Mathos itself, the Psykos cannot not exist.

Einstein introduced the concept of mass-energy equivalence. The Scionics Institute has introduced the concept of psycho-physical (Psykos – Physikos) equivalence. Psycho-physical equivalence posits a direct correspondence between all physical states and all experiential states. The Activity of the Cosmos can be described physically in terms of mathematical physical forces and experientially in terms of mathematical hedonic forces, with each giving rise to the other.

Ios: Our Informational “Soul”

In many traditional religions, one’s Personhood, Self, Identity, or “I-ness” is founded upon the concept of a soul. The soul is typically imagined as basically indestructible and immortal into the future; whether it is eternal into the past or was created at some point in time differs a bit based on the tradition in question. This is no empiricorational justification, however, for a belief in the existence of a soul, or any other supernatural source for our sense of Identity or I-ness. There is, however, abundant evidence that our minds are directly correlated with our brains. In other words, we have direct personal evidence of an intrinsic correlation between Physikos and Psykos (our physical nature and our mental/conscious nature), within our own being.

Our Identity is the correlated Informational structure of the “merely physical” state of the brain, and the “purely experiential” state of our mind. These physical and mental states, as well as the sense of Identity which they compose, are much more accurately understood as being Informational in Nature, rather than in being due to the presence of any hypothetical “energy,” “spirit,” or “life force.” This Informational structure is by no means eternal, but instead changes over time along with our brain-mind state. The Ios (rather than some imaginary soul) is the ever changing Informational Structure which is a function of our brain-mind state, and composes our Identity.

Temporally, the Ios has a beginning, constantly changes throughout our lives, and ends with our deaths. We know from general relativity, however, that the past, present, and future exist simultaneously and eternally, as a higher-dimensional structure. We further know from quantum mechanics that the Cosmos is Informational in Nature. The Ios (just as all other physical and mental states) thus exists eternally as quantum information locked within the higher-dimensional structure of spacetime. Inasmuch as the Ios can be Resurrected, this will involve Resurrecting its essential quantum information from the higher-dimensional structure of spacetime.

The Ios is a portion of the eternal Physikos and Psykos, the eternal Cosmos and Mathos, or eternal Existence, which is manifesting as us. It is our informational “soul.” It partakes in the nature of the Divine.


The concept of a god or gods is common to the vast majority of religions, albeit with often widely divergent views regarding the nature of any such gods. The capitalized “God” can be used as a sort of “proper name” for the Divine, however the Divine is defined or understood, and whether or not the Divine is understood as a personal god, or as an all-pervading loving force, or whatever. One may use whatever pronoun, It, He, She or Whatever to represent God, or the Divine.

In practice, however, “God” does mean very specific and yet very different things to people of different faiths. Thus Scionism prefers to eschew this term altogether, and instead employs the somewhat less baggage-filled term, “Divine.”

Scionism recognizes that various facets of the Divine can be identified with various aspects of the Mathos and the Cosmos. Thus we begin: “In the Beginning…”


The Divine is often conceptualized as the Creator of the universe and all it contains, including us. The Creator itself, however, is often considered to be eternal and uncreated, and as such is often described as a “necessary being,” or as “ontologically necessary.”

No truly compelling argument has ever been given for the ontological necessity of such a Creator. Existence itself simply could be (and in fact is) eternal and uncreated. Because every aspect of the Cosmos is fundamentally mathematical in nature, it is quite reasonable to assert that the Mathos is in some sense “metaphysically prior” to the Cosmos. The universally mathematical nature which lies at the heart of of every aspect of the entire Cosmos indicates the the Mathos is in a very real sense “metaphysically prior” to the Cosmos. To put this in stronger terms, the Mathos is the very metaphysical foundation of the Cosmos – and of all Existence.

The Mathos exists eternally unchanging through time, and the Cosmos exists eternally changing through time.

Thus, we see that there was no actual “In the Beginning,” to the Cosmos. There was an earlier moment before every moment, eternally into the past. There was no Creator “In the Beginning.” Existence is Self-Creating, infinite, and eternal, just as the Divine is often conceived to be.

Resurrection and Immortality

While the Mathos, Cosmos, Psykos, and Physikos are infinite and eternal, those things which exist within the Cosmos, composed of Psykos and Physikos, are temporary. Thus the Cosmos is eternally changing, and thus our minds and our bodies grow and live for a time, and then die.

There is no empiricorational proof that our Ios, the ever-changing Informational Structure correlated with our brain-mind state which begets our Identity, survives the deaths of our body and mind. But Hope may have some justification.

The many reports of near-death experiences may or may not be evidence of a continued existence after the death of the physical body. The many commonalities between such reports are striking. Even beyond such experiences, however, are certain fact regarding the nature of the Cosmos which seem to indicate the possibility of the Resurrection of the Ios.

For human beings, our lives and the lives of those we love are the most precious things in existence. When those we love are gone, we would give anything to have them back. We know from quantum mechanics that the Cosmos is Informational in Nature. We know from general relativity that the past, present, and future exist simultaneously and eternally. The Ios of those we love exists as a quantum-informational construct within the eternal structure of spacetime. If humanity survives for a thousand more years, or millions, or even billions, then what will be possible may well be inconceivable to us today. The day may come when we have technology which can access the quantum information which is embedded within the structure of spacetime, from essentially anywhere in the Cosmic past. This would enable the Reconstruction of the Ios of our loved ones and anyone else, from anywhere in the Cosmic past.

The Cosmos is infinite and eternal. Thus, if it is possible at all, then infinitely many other beings throughout time and space have already developed such Ios Resurrectional Technology, and infinitely many will continue to do so into the future. The members of each species which possess the God-like level of technology needed for such Ios Resurrection will join the infinite and eternal “Cosmic Scio-Civilization,” sharing eternal knowledge and wisdom.

The Cosmic Scio-Civilization is speculation, albeit an empiricorationally consistent one. It is a Hope, a goal we should strive for and may even achieve, but it is not a certainty. The Advent of Biological Immortality, however, is essentially a certainty.

Long before we enter the speculative Cosmic Scio-Civilization, if we ever do, we will certainly have the technology for Biological Immortality. Life can and will be extended indefinitely, with the advance of medical and other technology. Every disease, including aging, will ultimately be curable and reversible. Biological Immortality, i.e., Eternal Youth and Eternal Health, await us just around the technological corner. The near certainty of Biological Immortality makes cryogenic preservation a very plausible means for attaining Biological Immortality.

Humanity my become its own Resurrector. We may become Immortals. Our Immortality will be the result of empiricorational technology turned to Resurrection and Immortality. This Divine State will be reached, not in some imaginary supernatural realm, but in the very real Cosmos. This is our choice, our responsibility, and our birthright.

Universal Redemption

In most traditional religions, there is a “good place” and a “bad place” to which your soul could go, typically depending upon whether your life has been such that you deserve either the good or bad place. In some religions, this isn’t really so much a matter of a good or bad place, but of some other good or bad outcome, for example, being reincarnated favorably or unfavorably.

A truly loving Resurrector, however, would send no one to the “bad place,” nor would such a “bad place” even exist. If the Resurrection of the Ios is possible, then it is also possible to Resurrect the Ios with Mercy, Forgiveness, and Healing. A Resurrector expressing Divine Love would deliver Universal Perfected Resurrection: the Universal Resurrection and Redemption of every Ios as Perfected Immortal Citizen of the Cosmic Scio-Civilization.

The Author of Morality

We are imperfect. While we may be Resurrected into an Immortal Perfection, we can and sometimes do sin now, prior to any such possible Immortal Perfected Resurrection. Most traditional religions hold that the Divine is the Author of Morality, stipulating that which is good and evil. Universal Perfected Resurrection entails that we are neither rewarded for good acts nor punished for bad acts, but are all Resurrected as Perfected Immortals, regardless of our actions in this life. Thus, the Resurrector acts in complete harmony with Divine Love, engendering Universal Loving Mercy, or simply Universal Grace. We all go to Heaven.

There is a fairly widespread notion that the idea of rewards or punishments in the afterlife is a strong motivator towards good behavior, and away from bad. Some even feel that human society itself would become chaotic, violent, and lawless without such ideas about the afterlife. If we all go to Heaven, then what compels us towards good and away from evil? Furthermore, without some Divine Lawgiver, who decides what is good and evil? Who is the Author of Morality?

Most traditional religions portray the Divine as explicitly enumerating the Laws of Morality, with these Laws being Authored by the Divine, or by some representative thereof, written in some book or books, and interpreted by priests, rabbis, and the like. While no such book of Divinely Authored Law exists, we can study our Divinely Authored Reality/Existence itself: the Mathos and the Cosmos. It is by empiricorationally studying the Mathos and the Cosmos themselves that we will best come to understand how to live within Reality/Existence.

It is thus we ourselves who must determine that which is moral or immoral and act accordingly, and it is we ourselves who also may seek to enforce this or that moral code upon one another as a Scio-Society. In this sense, then, it is we who find ourselves in the role of Author, Judge, and Enforcer of Morality, despite any imperfections or inadequacies we may have regarding our ability to fulfill these Divine roles.

In our imperfections and inadequacies, we must approach our fulfillment of the Divine Roles of Author, Judge, and Enforcer of Morality with the greatest of humility and care. This necessitates the non-aggression principle, i.e., the non-initiation of force, colloquially expressed as “Live and Let Live.” This may be viewed as the combination of “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” and “Do not do unto others that which you would not have them do unto you.” This Divine Principle of Morality mandates that no individual or group may initiate force, fraud, or coercion upon any other individual or group. Reverence for, adherence to, and enforcement of the non-aggression principle is an optimizing principle of human society, and a foundational element of any Scio-Society, and is a foundation element of Scionism.

Live and Let Live!


Traditional religious scriptures often portray humanity as being created in the “image and likeness” of their Creator. If we are honest, however, we must admit that the idea of human-looking Creator is a human-created idea.

This does not mean that the Divine does not exist. It means that the Divine looks like Nothing and Everything.

Trying to fit the Divine into any Image or Likeness other than that of Nothing and Everything is to misconceive of the Divine on a deep foundational level. The anthropomorphization of the Divine, i.e., the attribution of Personhood to the Divine, is never warranted, and is a source of enormous spiritual misunderstanding.

The Mathos is not human-created; it exists, by its own Nature, infinitely, eternally, and never-changing. The Mathos has no form, substance, or tangibility, other than its own mathematical/logical form; yet all form, substance, and tangibility are metaphysically grounded in the Mathos. The Divine, in this sense, looks like Nothing: it has no form, substance, tangibility or change, yet is the metaphysical ground of all form, substance, tangibility, and change.

The Cosmos is not human-created; it exists, by virtue of its own Mathematical Nature, infinitely, eternally, and ever-changing. The Cosmos has all form, substance, and tangibility. The Divine, in this sense, looks like Everything: it has all form, tangibility, and change, with each moment being caused by the moment preceding it eternally.

In a sense then, Everything is Nothing, and Nothing is Everything. The Cosmos is of the Mathos, and the Mathos is of the Cosmos, in the Oneness of Existence. This Nothing, Everything, and Oneness of Existence is Divine.

Existence is the Image and Likeness of the Divine.

What About “God”?

At this point, one might say, “Sure, Existence is just as you have described. The Divine is just as you described. But couldn’t Existence and the Divine actually have been created by a God?”

One should finally answer, “The Mathos cannot be created, destroyed, or even changed in any way – not even by a God. A God could not have created the eternal Mathos, and the eternal Mathos is all that is needed as the metaphysical foundation of the Cosmos and all that it contains, including us. Forcing one’s concept of the Divine to agree with any limiting preconceptions regarding the Personhood of the Divine, i.e., any anthropomorphization of the Divine, distorts one’s understanding of the Divine. This is an obstacle between oneself and the Divine.

Thou Are Scion.

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@scionicsinstitute thank you so much for sharing. I personally “believe” transhumanism  is compatible with the UAP reality. 

The topic is gaining traction with prominent institutions due to the amount of data that has been made available to certain journalists. 

NYU journalists Anna Rothschild has recently had a conversation with Sarah Scoles and Nadia Drake on the subject of UAPs and the importance of the scientific community to get more involved. Would you recommend that we take a closer look into the matter after watching this video?
