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How about UFO's?

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I was wondering what The Scionics Institutes view on the UFO phenomenon was.

Scionics Institute
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This is related to the question of whether or not there are other intelligent beings in the universe, and whether or not other any such beings are visiting Earth.

We know that life evolved on Earth, and that it eventually gave rise to human beings. Although conditions vary widely from planet to planet, we have no reason to think that the conditions which gave rise to life on Earth were particularly special or unique in the universe. To put it another way, the universe is so vast, and planets are so plentiful, that it seems likely that there are many planets with conditions sufficiently similar to Earth to have allowed for the advent of life, and the subsequent evolution of intelligent life.

That being said, we are still operating from a sample of one, from among the countless planets. After all, we have not yet seen any definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life, and certainly not of extraterrestrial intelligence. These may be out there, but we have not yet seen any. It is possible that the advent of life requires events of such a low probability that even our own existence defies the odds, and we may in fact be the only life, or only intelligent life, in the universe. On the other hand, it may be the case that, given a few billion years with the right planetary condition, life is almost inevitable. This remains an unanswered question for now.

There are no well-verified cases of extraterrestrial UFOs. We now live in a world where just about everyone, at least in moderately advanced societies, carries a camera (and a video camera) around with them as an integral part of their phones. Yet, there are no really good pictures or videos of such craft. There is also no credible physical evidence of extraterrestrial technology, or of extraterrestrial aliens themselves.

While on the topic, all sorts of claims have been made regarding “ancient aliens,” often related to pyramids or other ancient sites; in fact, there is a television show by the same name, “Ancient Aliens,” which is famous for making such claims. When these claims are examined (using the search techniques we described in the last paragraph of this post, for example) they are exposed as nonsense (at best) and lies (at worst).

So…no credible evidence of alien visitation, either in modern times or in the past. In that case, then, how are reports of “close encounters” to be explained? In the middle ages in Europe, witchcraft was part of what we may call the “popular mythology” of the time. Whether due to hallucination (which can occur for a number of reasons), misinterpretation, or simple fabrication, people of the Middle Ages at times reported phenomena related to their popular mythology, including witchcraft.

In more modern times, with the general increase in scientific knowledge and the simultaneous decrease in belief in things like witchcraft, the “popular mythology” is now populated with pseudoscientific things such as UFOs, crystal healing, sacred geometry, chi, chakras, flat Earth, and so on. Thus, today (again, whether due to hallucination, misinterpretation, or fabrication) people are far more likely to report close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials than witches.

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Thank you

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A lot of claims have been made publicly about the UFO/UAP issue recently. It is interesting how much attention this subject has received this year. I am excited to see what comes of it all. To this day I have absolutely no clue as to the origins of what I encountered on May 3rd 2020. I only know the little I know about it from the encounter. I can describe how it appeared and what it felt like to make physical contact with and that is it. I don’t know if it is some kind of technology or a non human intelligence but I do not believe it was a hallucination. I really hope we discover what it is before I die because I really want to know. I’ve read, watched and listened to a lot of content related to the subject and I absolutely understand why people are so turned off about the subject. To be honest I’m very disappointed in the majority of humanity due to the lackadaisical nature of so many regarding the issue. So many people are so willing to share their opinions on social media platforms believers and skeptics alike have tons of opinions to share and very few are interested in doing anything that might actually help us discover the truth about any of the claims. We have U.S. politicians who are denied access to facilities by our military intelligence officials and what are the American citizens doing about it? This is my point. No matter what the truth is about the origin of what I experienced, it is safe to say that it is a matter of global security. Whoever/Whatever it is it is superior to anything else I’ve ever witnessed. I imagine it is some sort of technology and if it is in the possession of a human or a group of humans then I would like to meet them because they have to be the most intelligent and disciplined human(s) in the history of humanity. 

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This event served as the inaugural session of a pioneering initiative to elevate the academic discourse surrounding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, at a time when the U.S. government had begun taking active steps to provide incontrovertible evidence that alien technology and entities exist and have been present on our planet in contemporary times.

The Yale Student UFO Society’s teach-in represented NPI’s and Visible College’s commitment to engaging university professors, students, and academic institutions in the global conversation on UAP. NPI and VC sought to integrate scholarly expertise into a public discourse long overshadowed by secrecy, myths, and speculation by hosting teach-ins and fostering rigorous intellectual debate.

The Yale Student UFO Society reflected the university’s tradition of tackling pressing societal issues through scholarly investigation and debate. The forum, titled ‘More Things in Heaven and Earth’: A UFO Teach-In at Yale, explored the UAP phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective, offering presentations on topics ranging from physics to mental health support for experiencers and the philosophical implications of UAP.

“It was an honor to host speakers with the intellectual candor and knowledge required to address this complex issue for the Yale community. In our second year, we were deeply grateful for NPI and the Yale Student Mental Health Association’s support in advancing the Yale Student UFO Society’s mission to interrogate the unknown with the trained presence of mind we take pride in as a school,” said Yale Student UFO Society founder Sydney Morrison.

“As one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, Yale was a fitting venue to launch the first teach-in on UAP Disclosure,” said NPI Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan. “Yale’s legacy of fostering critical thinking, innovation, and the preservation of knowledge made it the ideal partner in advancing this crucial conversation about UAP and government accountability.”

NPI aimed to bring the academic community to the forefront of the UAP debate, leveraging scholarly integrity to demand truth and transparency. As public interest in UAP disclosures grew, NPI’s initiative provided a crucial platform for expert analysis and advocacy.

“Our goal was not just to educate but to build a global coalition demanding UAP disclosure,” said Jim Garrison, Director of NPI’s Washington, DC office. “The public has a right to know, and governments are responsible for disclosing what they’ve learned about UAP. Engaging academics in this conversation was key to elevating the debate and driving meaningful change.”

Steven Brown, Director of The Visible College, said, “While we understood that most academics were not paying much attention to these topics, a growing group of serious scholars were. We were excited to work with the New Paradigm Institute to help foster a deeper understanding of the subject area and to raise awareness of relevant work being done across the global academic community.”


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