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Aesthetic “selectivity” is a fundamental principle of Scionics aesthetics: it is the principle that, if all else is equal, that art which is the product of greater selectivity is superior to that art which is the product of lesser selectivity. This selective re-creation of reality requires volitional thought, whereas the appreciation of – or response to – art typically occurs automatically, without volitional thought, according to the “sense-of-life,” i.e., the conscious and unconscious metaphysical value-judgments (which would include the hedonic response) of the perceiver of the art.
The sense of life advanced by Scionics is founded upon may be described as “empiricorational nobility.” This encompasses the metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical views of Scionics: that reality is real and based upon mathematical truth rather than anything supernatural; that certain important aspects of reality are humanly knowable and understandable; and that one should pursue hedonic value empiricorationally and non-aggressively.
This all leads to the single concept of “aesthetic empiricorational nobility,” which can be shortened when the context is understood, to “aesthetic nobility:” the highly selective recreation of reality, consistent with empiricorationally noble sense-of-life characterized by the vigilant, ever-faithful application of empiricorationality.
The sense of life advanced by Scionics is founded upon may be described as “empiricorational nobility.” This encompasses the metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical views of Scionics: that reality is real and based upon mathematical truth rather than anything supernatural; that certain important aspects of reality are humanly knowable and understandable; and that one should pursue hedonic value empiricorationally and non-aggressively.
This all leads to the single concept of “aesthetic empiricorational nobility,” which can be shortened when the context is understood, to “aesthetic nobility:” the highly selective recreation of reality, consistent with empiricorationally noble sense-of-life characterized by the vigilant, ever-faithful application of empiricorationality.
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