| Previous Page | Table of Contents | Next Page | Interlude: Scio-SpiritualityIt should be obvious that matheism and the psychonic network hypothesis have significant implications with regard to religious spiritual beliefs. They are able to account for all existence, and resolve so many heretofore intractable philosophical problems, in a completely teleonomical and naturalistic way, without recourse to any sort of supernatural beings or forces. These ideas represent, not some sort of mystical or dogmatic version of religion or spirituality, but a uniquely scientific approach, along with exactly the type of comprehensive, logical, reality-based details which should be expected of such an approach. The term, “religion,” however, often has a quite well-deserved negative connotation amongst the non-mystical, due to its long association with countless mystical irrationalities, reality-evasions, inane rituals, worship of non-existent beings, and the like. Slightly better, perhaps, is the term, “spiritual,” but even that term has its linguistic roots in the mystical concept of the supernatural realm of spirits, so it really isn’t that much of an improvement. Human language, having developed in a world steeped in mysticism and scientific ignorance, lacks any term for specifically referring to concepts which intersect with matters which have been traditionally classified as religious or spiritual, but which are nonetheless oriented on a strictly empiricorational, non-mystical basis. We have coined the term, “scio-spirituality,” for this purpose. Matheism and psychonics are among the central scio-spiritual concepts developed by Scionics. Another appropriate term might be “metaphysical.” The problem is that this word, too, has a very long history of being used in a mystical context, although no mystical concepts etymologically inhere within it, as they do within the word “spiritual.” “Metaphysical” merely means “beyond the physical,” and matheism and psychonics could both be properly classified as metaphysical, since both are aspects of reality which are essentially non-physical, although they certainly often do relate to the physical. Both terms, “scio-spiritual” and “metaphysical,” may be used throughout this writing. We ask the reader to please keep in mind that these terms are always used, in the context of Scionics, in the non-mystical and non-dogmatic sense which has been described above. | Previous Page | Table of Contents | Next Page | |