AE-DOC: matheism-and-psychonics

Thesis and Hypotheses

Foundational Thesis: Pure mathematical/logical truth is infinite, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, and infinitely complex.

Implications: No being, creature, or entity of any kind is required or able to create or alter mathematical truth in any way.

Just as the numbers, themselves, are infinite, the overall structure of mathematical truths is infinite. There is no limit to the number of true mathematical statements. There is also no limit to the complexity of the overall structure of interrelated mathematical truths, or to the complexity which some particular mathematical truth may possess.

All mathematical/logical truths are true in all places and times, whether or not anyone has any awareness or consciousness of them. For example, “one plus one equals two” is (and all other mathematical/logical truths are) true everywhere and all times. There was no time or place in the past when this was not true, and there will be no time or place in the future when this will not be true; furthermore, this would be true whether or not any human beings, or any other type of being, creature, or entity were aware of this.

Hypothesis 1: The mathematical nature of consciousness is such that raw consciousness is ontologically necessary: it spontaneously exists or arises without any cause other than its own purely mathematical nature.

Implications: No being, creature, or entity of any kind is required or able to create raw consciousness. Likewise, because it is the mathematical nature of consciousness itself which is the “cause” of consciousness, no being, creature, or entity of any kind has the ability to create consciousness. (It is important to note that consciousness and mind are not, strictly speaking, the same thing. Raw consciousness, as such, is generally disorganized. Mind, on the other hand, exists when consciousness takes on a more complex and organized state, such as exists in biological organisms, or possibly in artificial intelligences.)

Hypothesis 2: The activity of raw consciousness is determined by its own hedonic and mathematical nature; this activity gives rise to the eternal and infinite network of psychons (physically manifested as Planck units) which, in turn, serves as the matrix from which space, time, matter, energy and all physical phenomena emerge.

Implications: No being, creature, or entity of any kind is required or able to create physical reality. Physical beings, however, do have the ability to interact with and manipulate physical reality, within the limits set by the mathematical nature of physical reality, as determined by the hedonic and mathematical nature of consciousness. Spacetime and mass-energy are ultimately “made of” or “emerge from” pure intangible conscious information, which, due to its own mathematical nature, in turn arises from pure intangible mathematical truth itself.